Torch Sports Ministry
The BuxMont Torch is a ministry that was established during the summer of 2009 which utilizes sport as a means to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to disciple and train sports ministers. We are located in Upper Bucks-Montgomery-Lehigh Counties, PA.
Mission Statement
To use the platform of sport in a way that reflects the calling of God to be holy, the mission of Jesus to save the lost, and the filling of the Holy Spirit to accomplish God’s will.
Ministry Philosophy
• We are committed to using the platform of competitive sports to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
• We are committed to discipling the players and training them in sports ministry philosophy and methodology.
• We are committed to living incarnationally in the sports environment.
• We are committed to “letting our light shine” through community service.
We recruit high school, university and premier level players, nationally and internationally, who know and love the Lord and desire to use sports as a ministry.
What would a summer with the Torch include?
• Season dates: Mid May – July 31
• Scheduled practices and weekly games
• Sports ministry training
• Participation in a young adult Bible study
• Soccer camps
• Ministry in local churches
• Mission trip
(Host homes will be provided for players who do not live in the BuxMont Area.)

Meet our president, Rich Sparling.
Plato is quoted as having said, “You can know more about a man after an hour of play than a full year of conversation.” Our family really found that to be the case during the time we were involved in starting two churches. Both came about as a result of God using a sports ministry approach. Working in a large apartment complex, we established a sports program that involved a recreation program and a competitive league. The league included several already existing churches and a Christian school. Church attendance and scripture memorization were required for weekly eligibility and since no church existed in or near the apartment complex, we began Bible studies which soon became a Sunday School and youth group. This then led to Sunday services and in turn gave birth to a local church. We experienced this process in two separate neighborhoods, in two distinct economic classes, with two very different educational levels.